Monday, December 5, 2016

Scott Joplin - Maple Leaf Rag

Scott Joplin born in Texarkana Texas in 1868 was one of the most influential musicians to impact jazz. Although he never played jazz music his famous ragtime pieces paved the way for the birth of jazz.

Growing up in the deep south Joplin face a great deal of white supremacy and racism. This deep south culture made it very difficult to become successful for any African American man or woman. But, despite the challenges from the disenfranchisement during the time Joplin found a way to show his talents.

W.E.B. Du Bois, a black leader around this time talked about and wrote about the African American heritage and how African Americans should be proud of their heritage. Scott Joplin was able to tie in his African heritage into his music. African music had many syncopated rhythms which Joplin was able to include in his music mixed with more traditional European piano music.

"Maple Leaf Rag", the song in the video below, is one of my favorite ragtime songs. It has a catchy melody and shows off the skill of Joplin as his hands on the piano seem to be independent of each other playing back and forth in a sort of call and response. It is a very upbeat fun song.

When listening to this song listen to the fast pace and the call and response between the lower notes (the left hand) and the higher notes (the right hand). This recording is actually Scott Joplin playing according to the user who uploaded the video.

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