Monday, December 5, 2016

Louis Armstrong - West End Blues

Louis Armstrong was born in 1901 in New Orleans. New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz and Louis Armstrong was one of the founders. He was a very talented trumpet player who's solos were unmatched at the time. No one could play trumpet like Louis Armstrong and he set the bar for jazz solos and songs, he even shaped the sound of jazz itself.

Armstrong grew up during Word War 1 and the great migration this was a time where African Americans were desperate for equality. African Americans were apart of the draft and served a country which did not do much for them. There were many race riots which spread across the cities in America such as Atlanta, Houston, Chicago, and Tulsa. This was a frustrating time for African Americans but, Armstrong still persevered and managed to become very successful and influential to Jazz and African Americans around the country.

Armstrong loved the music and obviously had a passion for the music to continue through a very racist time. "West End Blues" by Louis Armstrong features his great talent in jazz improvisation. This is what jazz is, a small motif stated in the beginning followed by solos based off the motif. Listen how the note just flow out of Armstrong's Trumpet and how no two verses sound exactly the same. His ability to solo and spontaneously improvise music is what Armstrong is known for. As you might know Louis Armstrong sings as well, he is not know for his beautiful voice but the heart and soul he puts behind his music. He is doing what he loves and you can tell just by listening to him sing and play.

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